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For best results adjust your phones touch sensitivity
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Did you know you can change the touch sensitivity of your phone? All smartphones, including Android and iPhones, come with a default touch sensitivity which is usually good enough for most situations, but if you feel that your phone’s touch screen is too fast or slow, or otherwise not meeting your needs, you can change the touch sensitivity on your phone.
We know at CaliCase that this feature may be particularly useful when using a screen protector or a waterproof phone pouch.
Android has a feature that allows you to control the sensitivity of your screen. This feature can be particularly useful for people with dexterity issues. If you want to be very sure you are touching the right thing, set the screen sensitivity lower and you will have to work harder to activate things. If you need a softer touch, set the sensitivity higher.
You can change touch sensitivity on Android by going into Language & Input settings. This feature appears in different locations, depending on the model. Some smartphones have a separate setting, but you can also just search for “Language & Input” in your settings.
1. Open your Android Settings.
2. Tap Languages & Input, usually near the center of the menu.
3. Tap Pointer speed. It’s under the "Mouse/trackpad" header. A slider will appear on the screen.
4. Drag the slider to the left or right to make it slower or faster.
5. After you’ve made the changes, go back to your home screen to check that it’s working.
Changing the sensitivity of the Galaxy S10/S20 touchscreen:
1. From the Home Screen, open the Settings app
2. Tap Display.
3. Tap the Touch sensitivity switch to turn it on. The sensitivity of your touchscreen should now be increased.
To change touch sensitivity on your iPhone, follow the steps below:
1. Go to the “Settings."
2. Scroll down and tap on Accessibility.
3. Select Touch.
4. Tap on Touch Accommodations.
5. Turn ON Touch Accommodations and do not change anything else here on this page at all. When done, go back to the home screen and try using your iPhone or iPad as you normally would.
iPhone made a user guide to change the screen sensitivity for each iOS version on this page: "Adjust how iPhone responds to your touch."
The iPhone has two sensitivity modes for Haptic Touch — Fast and Slow. By default, Apple sets the Haptic Touch to the Fast mode, which can be too sensitive if you are getting used to the functionality. Switching to the Slow mode using the steps below can prevent accidental triggers of Haptic Touch.
1. Open Settings and tap Accessibility.
2. Tap Touch.
3. Tap 3D & Haptic Touch. Depending on the device you have, only the 3D Touch or the Haptic Touch option might appear. For 3D Touch, turn on the feature, then use the slider to select a sensitivity level. For Haptic Touch, choose a touch duration speed, then tap the image to test your setting.